Package-level declarations


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data class ApplyEscrowLogisticsResponse(val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

에스크로 배송 정보 등록 성공 응답

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@SerialName(value = "BEFORE_REGISTERED")
data object BeforeRegisteredPaymentEscrow : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

배송 정보 등록 전

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data class BillingKeyPaymentSummary(val pgTxId: String, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

빌링키 결제 완료된 결제 건 요약 정보

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@SerialName(value = "CANCELLED")
data class CancelledPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : Payment.Recognized

결제 취소 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "CANCELLED")
data class CancelledPaymentCashReceipt(val type: CashReceiptType? = null, val pgReceiptId: String? = null, val issueNumber: String, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, val currency: Currency, val url: String? = null, val issuedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : PaymentCashReceipt.Recognized

취소된 현금영수증

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@SerialName(value = "CANCELLED")
data class CancelledPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

거래 취소

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@SerialName(value = "CANCELLED")
data class CancelledPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

결제 취소 상태 건

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data class CancelPaymentBodyRefundAccount(val bank: Bank, val number: String, val holderName: String, val holderPhoneNumber: String? = null)

고객 정보 입력 형식

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data class CancelPaymentResponse(val cancellation: PaymentCancellation)

결제 취소 성공 응답

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@Serializable(with = CancelRequesterSerializer::class)
sealed interface CancelRequester
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data class CloseVirtualAccountResponse(val closedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

가상계좌 말소 성공 응답

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@SerialName(value = "CONFIRMED")
data class ConfirmedPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val isAutomaticallyConfirmed: Boolean) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

구매 확정

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data class ConfirmEscrowResponse(val completedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

에스크로 구매 확정 성공 응답

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@SerialName(value = "DELIVERED")
data class DeliveredPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

배송 완료

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@SerialName(value = "FAILED")
data class FailedPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel? = null, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val failedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val failure: PaymentFailure) : Payment.Recognized

결제 실패 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "FAILED")
data class FailedPaymentCancellation(val id: String, val pgCancellationId: String? = null, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long, val vatAmount: Long, val easyPayDiscountAmount: Long? = null, val reason: String, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val trigger: Trigger? = null) : PaymentCancellation.Recognized

취소 실패 상태

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@SerialName(value = "FAILED")
data class FailedPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel? = null, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val failedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val failure: PaymentFailure) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

결제 실패 상태 건

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data class GetAllPaymentsByCursorResponse(val items: List<PaymentWithCursor>)

결제 건 커서 기반 대용량 다건 조회 성공 응답 정보

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data class GetPaymentsResponse(val items: List<Payment>, val page: PageInfo)

결제 건 다건 조회 성공 응답 정보

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data class GetPaymentTransactionsResponse(val items: List<PaymentTransaction>)

결제 시도 내역 조회 응답 정보

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data class InstantPaymentMethodInput(val card: InstantPaymentMethodInputCard? = null, val virtualAccount: InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccount? = null)

수기 결제 수단 입력 정보

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data class InstantPaymentMethodInputCard(val credential: CardCredential, val installmentMonth: Int? = null, val useFreeInstallmentPlan: Boolean? = null, val useFreeInterestFromMerchant: Boolean? = null, val useCardPoint: Boolean? = null)

카드 수단 정보 입력 정보

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가상계좌 수단 정보 입력 정보

data class InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccountCashReceiptInfo(val type: CashReceiptInputType, val customerIdentityNumber: String)

가상계좌 결제 시 현금영수증 정보

data class InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccountExpiry(val validHours: Int? = null, val dueDate: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null)

입금 만료 기한

data class InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccountOptionFixed(val pgAccountId: String? = null, val accountNumber: String? = null)

고정식 가상계좌 발급 유형

@Serializable(with = InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccountOptionTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface InstantPaymentMethodInputVirtualAccountOptionType

가상계좌 발급 유형

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data class InstantPaymentSummary(val pgTxId: String, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

수기 결제가 완료된 결제 건 요약 정보

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@SerialName(value = "ISSUED")
data class IssuedPaymentCashReceipt(val type: CashReceiptType? = null, val pgReceiptId: String? = null, val issueNumber: String, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, val currency: Currency, val url: String? = null, val issuedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : PaymentCashReceipt.Recognized

발급 완료된 현금영수증

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data class ModifyEscrowLogisticsResponse(val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val modifiedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

에스크로 배송 정보 수정 성공 응답

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@SerialName(value = "PAID")
data class PaidPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val pgTxId: String? = null, val pgResponse: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null) : Payment.Recognized

결제 완료 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "PAID")
data class PaidPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val pgTxId: String? = null, val pgResponse: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

결제 완료 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "PARTIAL_CANCELLED")
data class PartialCancelledPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : Payment.Recognized

결제 부분 취소 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "PARTIAL_CANCELLED")
data class PartialCancelledPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val paidAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null, val cashReceipt: PaymentCashReceipt? = null, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val cancellations: List<PaymentCancellation>, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

결제 부분 취소 상태 건

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data class PayInstantlyResponse(val payment: InstantPaymentSummary)

수기 결제 성공 응답

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@Serializable(with = PaymentSerializer::class)
sealed interface Payment

결제 건

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data class PaymentAmount(val total: Long, val taxFree: Long, val vat: Long? = null, val supply: Long? = null, val discount: Long, val paid: Long, val cancelled: Long, val cancelledTaxFree: Long)

결제 금액 세부 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentCancellationSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentCancellation

결제 취소 내역

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@Serializable(with = PaymentCashReceiptSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentCashReceipt

결제 건 내 현금영수증 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentCashReceiptStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentCashReceiptStatus

결제건 내 현금영수증 상태

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class PaymentClient(apiSecret: String, apiBase: String = "", storeId: String? = null) : Closeable

API Secret을 사용해 포트원 API 클라이언트를 생성합니다.

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@Serializable(with = PaymentEscrowSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentEscrow

에스크로 정보

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data class PaymentEscrowReceiverInput(val name: String? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val zipcode: String? = null, val address: SeparatedAddressInput? = null)

에스크로 수취인 정보

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data class PaymentEscrowSenderInput(val name: String? = null, val phoneNumber: String? = null, val zipcode: String? = null, val relationship: String? = null, val address: SeparatedAddressInput? = null)

에스크로 발송자 정보

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data class PaymentFailure(val reason: String? = null, val pgCode: String? = null, val pgMessage: String? = null)

결제 실패 정보

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data class PaymentFilterInput(val merchantId: String? = null, val storeId: String? = null, val timestampType: PaymentTimestampType? = null, val from: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val until: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val status: List<PaymentStatus>? = null, val methods: List<PaymentMethodType>? = null, val pgProvider: List<PgProvider>? = null, val isTest: Boolean? = null, val isScheduled: Boolean? = null, val sortBy: PaymentSortBy? = null, val sortOrder: SortOrder? = null, val version: PortOneVersion? = null, val webhookStatus: PaymentWebhookStatus? = null, val platformType: PaymentClientType? = null, val currency: Currency? = null, val isEscrow: Boolean? = null, val escrowStatus: PaymentFilterInputEscrowStatus? = null, val cardBrand: CardBrand? = null, val cardType: CardType? = null, val cardOwnerType: CardOwnerType? = null, val giftCertificateType: PaymentMethodGiftCertificateType? = null, val cashReceiptType: CashReceiptInputType? = null, val cashReceiptStatus: PaymentCashReceiptStatus? = null, val cashReceiptIssuedAtRange: DateTimeRange? = null, val cashReceiptCancelledAtRange: DateTimeRange? = null, val textSearch: List<PaymentTextSearch>? = null)

결제 건 다건 조회를 위한 입력 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentFilterInputEscrowStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentFilterInputEscrowStatus

에스크로 상태

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data class PaymentInstallment(val month: Int, val isInterestFree: Boolean)

할부 정보

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data class PaymentLogistics(val company: PaymentLogisticsCompany, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val receivedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val address: SeparatedAddressInput? = null)


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@Serializable(with = PaymentLogisticsCompanySerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentLogisticsCompany

물류 회사

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@Serializable(with = PaymentMethodSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentMethod

결제수단 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodCard")
data class PaymentMethodCard(val card: Card? = null, val approvalNumber: String? = null, val installment: PaymentInstallment? = null, val pointUsed: Boolean? = null) : PaymentMethod.Recognized, PaymentMethodEasyPayMethod.Recognized

결제수단 카드 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodConvenienceStore")
data object PaymentMethodConvenienceStore : PaymentMethod.Recognized

편의점 결제 상세 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodEasyPay")
data class PaymentMethodEasyPay(val provider: EasyPayProvider? = null, val easyPayMethod: PaymentMethodEasyPayMethod? = null) : PaymentMethod.Recognized

간편 결제 상세 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentMethodEasyPayMethodSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentMethodEasyPayMethod

간편 결제 수단

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodEasyPayMethodCharge")
data class PaymentMethodEasyPayMethodCharge(val bank: Bank? = null) : PaymentMethodEasyPayMethod.Recognized

충전식 포인트 결제 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodGiftCertificate")
data class PaymentMethodGiftCertificate(val giftCertificateType: PaymentMethodGiftCertificateType? = null, val approvalNumber: String) : PaymentMethod.Recognized

상품권 상세 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentMethodGiftCertificateTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentMethodGiftCertificateType

상품권 종류

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodMobile")
data class PaymentMethodMobile(val phoneNumber: String? = null) : PaymentMethod.Recognized

모바일 상세 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodTransfer")
data class PaymentMethodTransfer(val bank: Bank? = null, val accountNumber: String? = null) : PaymentMethod.Recognized, PaymentMethodEasyPayMethod.Recognized

계좌 이체 상세 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PaymentMethodVirtualAccount")
data class PaymentMethodVirtualAccount(val bank: Bank? = null, val accountNumber: String, val accountType: PaymentMethodVirtualAccountType? = null, val remitteeName: String? = null, val remitterName: String? = null, val expiredAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val issuedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val refundStatus: PaymentMethodVirtualAccountRefundStatus? = null) : PaymentMethod.Recognized

가상계좌 상세 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentMethodVirtualAccountRefundStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentMethodVirtualAccountRefundStatus

가상계좌 환불 상태

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@Serializable(with = PaymentMethodVirtualAccountTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentMethodVirtualAccountType

가상계좌 유형

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@Serializable(with = PaymentSortBySerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentSortBy

결제 건 정렬 기준

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@Serializable(with = PaymentStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentStatus

결제 건 상태

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data class PaymentTextSearch(val field: PaymentTextSearchField, val value: String)

통합검색 입력 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentTextSearchFieldSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentTextSearchField

통합검색 항목

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@Serializable(with = PaymentTimestampTypeSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentTimestampType

조회 시점 기준

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@Serializable(with = PaymentTransactionSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentTransaction

결제 시도

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data class PaymentWebhook(val paymentStatus: PaymentWebhookPaymentStatus? = null, val id: String, val status: PaymentWebhookStatus? = null, val url: String, val isAsync: Boolean? = null, val currentExecutionCount: Int? = null, val maxExecutionCount: Int? = null, val trigger: PaymentWebhookTrigger? = null, val request: PaymentWebhookRequest? = null, val response: PaymentWebhookResponse? = null, val triggeredAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null)

성공 웹훅 내역

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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookPaymentStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentWebhookPaymentStatus

웹훅 발송 시 결제 건 상태

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data class PaymentWebhookRequest(val header: String? = null, val body: String, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null)

웹훅 요청 정보

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data class PaymentWebhookResponse(val code: String, val header: String, val body: String, val respondedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant)

웹훅 응답 정보

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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookStatusSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentWebhookStatus

웹훅 전송 상태

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@Serializable(with = PaymentWebhookTriggerSerializer::class)
sealed interface PaymentWebhookTrigger

웹훅 실행 트리거

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data class PaymentWithCursor(val payment: Payment, val cursor: String)

결제 건 및 커서 정보

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@SerialName(value = "PAY_PENDING")
data class PayPendingPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null) : Payment.Recognized

결제 완료 대기 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "PAY_PENDING")
data class PayPendingPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

결제 완료 대기 상태 건

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data class PayWithBillingKeyResponse(val payment: BillingKeyPaymentSummary)

빌링키 결제 성공 응답

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data object PreRegisterPaymentResponse

결제 사전 등록 성공 응답

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@Serializable(with = PromotionDiscountRetainOptionSerializer::class)
sealed interface PromotionDiscountRetainOption
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@SerialName(value = "READY")
data class ReadyPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel? = null, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null) : Payment.Recognized

준비 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "READY")
data class ReadyPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel? = null, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

준비 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "REGISTERED")
data class RegisteredPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

배송 정보 등록 완료

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data class RegisterStoreReceiptBodyItem(val storeBusinessRegistrationNumber: String, val storeName: String, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long? = null, val vatAmount: Long? = null, val supplyAmount: Long? = null, val currency: Currency)

하위 상점 거래 정보

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data class RegisterStoreReceiptResponse(val receiptUrl: String? = null)

영수증 내 하위 상점 거래 등록 응답

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@SerialName(value = "REJECT_CONFIRMED")
data class RejectConfirmedPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

구매 거절 확정

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@SerialName(value = "REJECTED")
data class RejectedPaymentEscrow(val company: String, val invoiceNumber: String, val sentAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val appliedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null) : PaymentEscrow.Recognized

구매 거절

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@SerialName(value = "REQUESTED")
data class RequestedPaymentCancellation(val id: String, val pgCancellationId: String? = null, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long, val vatAmount: Long, val easyPayDiscountAmount: Long? = null, val reason: String, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val trigger: Trigger? = null) : PaymentCancellation.Recognized

취소 요청 상태

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data class ResendWebhookResponse(val webhook: PaymentWebhook)

웹훅 재발송 응답 정보

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@SerialName(value = "SUCCEEDED")
data class SucceededPaymentCancellation(val id: String, val pgCancellationId: String? = null, val totalAmount: Long, val taxFreeAmount: Long, val vatAmount: Long, val easyPayDiscountAmount: Long? = null, val reason: String, val cancelledAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val receiptUrl: String? = null, val trigger: Trigger? = null) : PaymentCancellation.Recognized

취소 완료 상태

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@Serializable(with = TriggerSerializer::class)
sealed interface Trigger
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@SerialName(value = "VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_ISSUED")
data class VirtualAccountIssuedPayment(val id: String, val transactionId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null) : Payment.Recognized

가상계좌 발급 완료 상태 건

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@SerialName(value = "VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_ISSUED")
data class VirtualAccountIssuedPaymentTransaction(val id: String, val paymentId: String, val merchantId: String, val storeId: String, val method: PaymentMethod? = null, val channel: SelectedChannel, val channelGroup: ChannelGroupSummary? = null, val version: PortOneVersion, val scheduleId: String? = null, val billingKey: String? = null, val webhooks: List<PaymentWebhook>? = null, val requestedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val updatedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val statusChangedAt: @Serializable(with = InstantSerializer::class) Instant, val orderName: String, val amount: PaymentAmount, val currency: Currency, val customer: Customer, val promotionId: String? = null, val isCulturalExpense: Boolean? = null, val escrow: PaymentEscrow? = null, val products: List<PaymentProduct>? = null, val productCount: Int? = null, val customData: String? = null, val country: Country? = null, val pgTxId: String? = null) : PaymentTransaction.Recognized

가상계좌 발급 완료 상태 건